Renew your Membership

Time to renew your membership?

Better yet, become an Evergreen Member!

Thank you for making transformational change possible this past year. Ready to join together again to increase your Impact in Indian River County? Please renew now and consider becoming an Evergreen member! Click below to renew your membership. Together we can do so much more!

What is an Evergreen Member? Evergreen members pledge to help Impact100 IR stay vibrant and green by renewing their membership year after year. As an Evergreen member, you are  designated in the member directory, and receive a special Evergreen Member name tag. Members who pledge allow us to plan by knowing the number of recurring members we can count on each year, saving us time to focus on our core mission.

There is no further obligation than your annual membership dues. Simply check the appropriate box on the Impact 100 IR membership application and set up a form of automatic payment. You can change your election at any time, simply by emailing us at [email protected] to request a change.

Employer match? If you are currently employed, don’t forget to check to see if your employer matches your donation.

Ready to increase/change your level of involvement? Check out volunteer and sponsorship opportunities available to members.